
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Canned Oregano Tomatoes

So, here is the last of the tomato series that I have to share with you. I do have a bruschetta recipe that I will be posting in the near future as well, but I wanted to get this one out before the tomatoes were all gone and before I take a little vacation by the sea! I am headed to Isle of Palms, one of my favorite places on earth to clear my head before starting into the fall semester of school. This upcoming fall semester is gonna be a tricky one because I will be teaching in 3 different locations i.e. cities.  Even though it is a lot of driving, I have been so happy to add Asheville to my regular teaching circuit! Love that town and the students are so refreshing. Also after class,  it gives me the opportunity to hang out in some places that I really love.

Well, sorry this is not a longer post but this girl has to pack! Bathing suits, flip flops and of course some good craft beer! I will also have my camera with me at all times. Hoping the sun and sea and the magnificence of the Charleston area can revitalize me to be back in the classroom in only 11 days!

Canned Oregano Tomatoes

Don't let this recipe fool you. It seems like a ton of steps but it isn't that hard. Read all the steps through before starting and you will be fine. You can make this recipe with or without the herbs.  It is a great way to can fresh tomatoes and when the winter months come you will be happy you did!

2 1/2 to 3 1/2 pounds tomatoes per 2 pint jars to be canned
Bottled lemon juice
Oregano (optional- I add it because I currently have an oregano bush!!)

Prepare and sterilize jars, lids and rings as per proper canning procedure. Wash tomatoes and oregano fully and allow to dry and drain. Place tomatoes in a saucepan of boiling water. Blanch tomatoes 30 to 60 seconds or until the skin starts to crack. Remove from boiling water and dip into cold water. This will help the skin to loosen. Slip skins off and cut off any spots or green areas. Also remove the core.
Remove the canning jars from the hot water with a jar lifter and set on a towel. Add 1 Tbsp. of lemon juice to each pint jar. Also add 1/2 tsp of salt to each jar. Carefully pack the tomatoes into the jar. Place 1 garlic clove and 2 sprigs of oregano down the side of each pint jar. Ladle hot water over the tomatoes, leaving 1/2 inch head space.
Run a nonmetallic spatula between the tomatoes and the jar; pressing in on the tomatoes to release any air that might be trapped.
Wipe the rim of the jar with a clean towel and position a lid and a ring on the jar.
After you have them all filled you must submerge the jars in water that is at simmer or 180 degrees. The water must be above the caps by at least 1 inch. Put the lid on the pot and bring the water to a boil and keep pints in the pot for 40 minutes.
When processing time is complete, turn off the heat and remove jars from the pot and sit them upright. Allow them to cool 12-24 hours. After they are cool, make sure all caps are sealed by making sure the middle of the lid is depressed. If one is not sealed use that immediately. The others can be wiped down and stored for later use. It is best to keep them in a cool dark place.


  1. Beautiful pictures as always along with great recipes !!!! Love reading your blog and have used and loved many of your recipes. Keep up the good work and have a great time at the beach.

  2. Always In the kitchen...and I think of being there helping you. Love you, Mom
