
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ginger Tuna Steak Salad

Summer is here y'all. And for me one of the best thing about summer is fresh salads of all types. I have been experimenting with flavors, and this has become one of my recent favorites.  Since our dietary cleanse in April, at my office we have been taking turns bringing in lunch. We have really done a great job providing nutritious lunches that save us all a lot of time, money and calories. This is one of the entrees that I have come up with. It has been requested multiple times and is always a hit.  I plan on taking this to pool parties, picnics and even the beach this summer. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Beets and Sweets

Beets and Sweets- Right out of the oven

Since my life has been hectic and most of my bakeware is in boxes till my move next weekend, I wanted to post something thing that is super simple and that I have found to be incredibly delicious. I made these last night for dinner and quite truthfully try to eat them at least 2-3 times per week for thier wholistic effect.

Of course there is a story behind this recipe. About 2 months ago, I did a 21 day Standard Process cleanse, one of the suggestions for increased cleansing and improved gallbladder funciton is to eat 1/2 a beet per day. I had a definate problem with this at first, because I hated beets. I always thought they had a "dirt" taste. Through some experimentation and some researching, I found some recipes that I really enjoy. And when they are baked they lose that dirt taste and really become quite sweet. This is the most simple and tasty recipe of all the ones I tried.

Overall, the cleanse was a great expereince in my life that really allowed me to see what I was eating and in what quantity. Although I do have the occasional piece of cake or cookie it is not my everyday vice, I am a very healthy eater. The cleanse further enforced that and really make me realize how clean eating can better your mood, energy level and overall health.  It allowed me to slow down concentrate on me and my health and really heal from within. The first few days were exceptionally hard due to extra food prep and organization to get lunches planned before work. Also the first 3 days are really when your body detoxes from sugar, preservatives and toxins. This process leaves you a a little fatigued. But it only lasts 3 days. I came out of the cleanse 7 lbs lighter and feeling like I had a spring in my step.  I can not wait till fall when I repeat the process....

Monday, May 7, 2012

Chocolate Dopplebock Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

Chocolate Dopplebock Cupcake- Yum!

In all the packing, sorting craziness that is my life right now I decided that today needed to be a day for me. OK! I did not allow myself the whole day (I had a few appointments) but I did allow half!  I woke up this morning needing some "kitchen therapy." If you have followed this blog at all you know that typically means there is STRESS in my life. (If we go too much into that, this could become a whole other blog.)  I started to look through my cabinets and fridge to see what ingredients I had to work with. After looking through my iPad recipe book where I stash interesting things I find online, I ran across this recipe. I think it is from one of those St Patty's day festive recipes sites that I found at some point and then quickly forgot about but today was it's day to shine.

OK for those that really know me you know that I am a craft beer enthusiast. I enjoy trying new beer and love pairing different beers with different foods. Here in Greenville, SC there has been great opportunity for the beer culture to really grow. There is a good number of restaurants that have great beer selections including high gravity choices. We have quite a few craft beer stores that specialize in growlers, tasting events and general beer knowledge. Of course I have my fav and have to mention them here. The guys at  The Community Tap  are always knowledgeable, friendly and if you call ahead they will even put your favorite beer in the fridge so you can pick it up on the way home from work. Guilty!

We also have an excellent brewery in town that has a great following of which I am part of.  Thomas Creek Brewery has quite a few great brews but my personal favorite is the Deep Water Dopplebock Lager. When I rediscovered this recipe this morning, I knew that I had a six pack of this dark beer in the fridge. From previous tastings, I knew that it went wonderfully with chocolate so I thought this recipe was a perfect match.  The original recipe called for a stout, preferably Guiness, but as you know I love local and I love this Dopplebock!

I will mention that as these cupcakes bake the beer smell is heavenly! And in the finished product the underlying beer flavor really comes through complimenting the chocolate.

Thomas Creek Dopplebock and other less important ingredients.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Southwest Quinoa Salad

This is a recipe that I have come up with after our 21 day cleanse that we did about a month ago. It is great as a side dish or as a meatless lunch entree. I had not really experimented with quinoa much  but now I am hooked. As my garden comes in this summer, I see many ways that I can change this recipe using the vegetable that is ripe at the time, and that makes me very happy! There is nothing better than eating local and in season both for taste and the environment. Stay tuned for some upcoming variations...